Friends Forever
Friends Forever Tut
I used PSP X to create this tag but it should work with any version of psp. I used tubes from CCD Tube heaven. The butterflies I got from Rainbow Coffi at psp_playground. Filters you will need are Mura's Meister Cloud and Eye Candy 4000 gradient glow. My supplies are here.
I'm using the awesome artwork of Suzanne Woolcott. You must have a license to use her work you can purchase one here.
Please feel free to add any other elements or scrap pieces to your tag. Tutorials are just guides.
Let's Begin.
Place your mask in your psp mask folder. Open the rest of your supplies in psp and minimize for now.
Open a new image 600x600. Flood fill white. Add a new raster layer and flood fill with A0E5FC. Now go to Mura's Meisters Cloud.
Use my settings in the screenshot below.
Now find the grass tube i supplied and copy and paste as a new layer on your tag. Use your mover tool to move it to the bottom of your tag. Now this is where your imagination comes in. Place the trees where you think they look good resize if needed. Place your swingset and bench where you would like them to be. Resize if needed. Once you have everything where you want them close off your white background layer (Click on the little eye in your layer pallette to close the white layer). Now go up to layers and then down to merge and merge visible the rest of your layers. Open your white background again. Make sure your merged layer is highlighted in your layer pallette. Go to layers and down to Load/Save Mask, Load mask from disk. Find your mask Becky_mask003 and use my settings.
Merge your group. Now find the tubes you would like to use and place them on your tag where you think they look best resize if needed. Add a dropshadow with these settings Vertical and Horizontal both at 2, Opacity set to 80, Blur 5.00 color black. Now find the butterflies you would like to use and resize them quite small and place on your tag. Add the same dropshadow to each butterfly.
Now time to add your text. Choose a font you like and two colors from your tag and set them as your foreground and background colors. I use stroke 2.0. size 72. Add your text and then convert to raster layer and add the same dropshadow. Add the proper copyrights and license number. Don't forget your watermark if you use one.
That is it you are done. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.
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