I created this tutorial on April 19, 2009. Any resemblance to another tutorial is completely coincidental. I created this tag using Paint Shop Pro X.
I'm using the beautiful artwork of Barbara Jensen. You MUST have a license to use her artwork. You can purchase her artwork here.
Scrap kit is a beautiful FTU kit called Color Me Crazy and you can find it at Simply Devilish Scrapz. Here.
I'm using a template from Scrapity Scrap Tutorials here.
Template #22.
Font of Choice.
Let's get started:
Open your template in psp, delete the copyright layer. Go to image canvas size and resize your canvas to 650x650.
Highlight the top thin slats layer then go to select all, float, defloat. Open paper 12 from the kit and paste as a new layer. Selections, invert hit delete on your keyboard. Delete your grey template layer. Repeat for the bottom thin slats. Dropshadow of you choice.
Highlight your circle layer, select all, float, defloat. Open paper Paper 4 paste as a new layer. Selections invert hit delete. Delete the grey template layer. I colored all the white frames black but that is up to you.
Highlight middle square selections, float, defloat. Open paper 21 paste as a new layer selections invert delete. Delete the template layer. Repeat for the other 2 squares, I used papers 23 for the bottom square and paper 22 for the top square. Make sure you dropshadow all template layers.
Open from the kit Corner 1 paste as a new layer on your tag resize 80% smart size. Position in the top right corner of your tag and send to the bottom. Duplicate your corner and then go to image and then mirror. Dropshadow of choice.
Open your tube of choice and paste as a new layer. Move your tube so that is the layer just above your pink circle layer. Now duplicate your tube and move the copy above your circle frame. Now highlight your circle frame layer. Grab your magic wand and click in the center of your frame and then go to selections modify and expand 5. Now click on your original tube layer which is the one under the circle frame. Go to selections invert and hit delete on your keyboard. This will remove all the excess tube. Selections none now click on your copy of your tube and erase the bottom of the tube thats hanging over the circle frame. This is the easiest way I've found to make your tube look like it's inside the frame but also coming out of the frame. Dropshadow your original tube.
Now add any other embillishments from the kit to your tag. Make sure you dropshadow each embillishment.
Crop and resize your tag.
Add your copyright and license number along with your text.
Save as a JPEG and you are done. Hope you liked my tutorial.
I'm using the beautiful artwork of Barbara Jensen. You MUST have a license to use her artwork. You can purchase her artwork here.
Scrap kit is a beautiful FTU kit called Color Me Crazy and you can find it at Simply Devilish Scrapz. Here.
I'm using a template from Scrapity Scrap Tutorials here.
Template #22.
Font of Choice.
Let's get started:
Open your template in psp, delete the copyright layer. Go to image canvas size and resize your canvas to 650x650.
Highlight the top thin slats layer then go to select all, float, defloat. Open paper 12 from the kit and paste as a new layer. Selections, invert hit delete on your keyboard. Delete your grey template layer. Repeat for the bottom thin slats. Dropshadow of you choice.
Highlight your circle layer, select all, float, defloat. Open paper Paper 4 paste as a new layer. Selections invert hit delete. Delete the grey template layer. I colored all the white frames black but that is up to you.
Highlight middle square selections, float, defloat. Open paper 21 paste as a new layer selections invert delete. Delete the template layer. Repeat for the other 2 squares, I used papers 23 for the bottom square and paper 22 for the top square. Make sure you dropshadow all template layers.
Open from the kit Corner 1 paste as a new layer on your tag resize 80% smart size. Position in the top right corner of your tag and send to the bottom. Duplicate your corner and then go to image and then mirror. Dropshadow of choice.
Open your tube of choice and paste as a new layer. Move your tube so that is the layer just above your pink circle layer. Now duplicate your tube and move the copy above your circle frame. Now highlight your circle frame layer. Grab your magic wand and click in the center of your frame and then go to selections modify and expand 5. Now click on your original tube layer which is the one under the circle frame. Go to selections invert and hit delete on your keyboard. This will remove all the excess tube. Selections none now click on your copy of your tube and erase the bottom of the tube thats hanging over the circle frame. This is the easiest way I've found to make your tube look like it's inside the frame but also coming out of the frame. Dropshadow your original tube.
Now add any other embillishments from the kit to your tag. Make sure you dropshadow each embillishment.
Crop and resize your tag.
Add your copyright and license number along with your text.
Save as a JPEG and you are done. Hope you liked my tutorial.
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