I created this tutorial on Jan. 13, 2009. This tutorial is my own design if it resembles any other tutorial out there its purely coincedental.
Template # 129 from Missy at divine intentionz. You can download it here.
Scrap kit is called Purple dreams and you can download this beautiful scrap kit at Dezigns by Ali. Do check out her blog she has some beautiful stuff there. Download here.
The tube I'm using is the beautiful artwork of Jose A. Cano. You must have a license to use his artwork. You can buy his artwork and license here.
Mask & font in my supplies. Here.
Let's Begin:
Place your mask in your psp mask folder.
Open template 129 shift D to duplicate. Close the original template. Delete the copyright layer. Make your white background layer the active layer then go to image canvas size and resize your canvas to 600x600. Flood fill your white background with white so it's all white.
Click on your big square layer go to selections select all, float, defloat. Open paper 6 copy and paste as a new layer. Go to selections invert then hit delete on your keyboard. Delete the original square layer.
Click on circle one layer and go to selections select all, float defloat. Open paper 5 and paste as a new layer. Go to selections invert then hit delete on your keyboard. Delete the original circle layer. Repeat the above steps for circle 2.
Now click on your rectangle layer go to selections select all, float defloat. Open paper 4 and paste as a new layer. Go to selections invert. Hit delete on your keyboard. Now delete your original rectangle layer.
Click on your dotted line layer go to selections, select all, float defloat. Add a new raster layer. Change your foreground color to black and flood fill your dotted lines with black. Delete the original dotted line layer.
Click on the dream lover words layers. Now click on your magic wand and click on each letter of the word dream now go to selections modify and expand by 1. Now paste paper 8 as a new layer go to selections invert delete. Repeat the above steps for the word lover but paste paper 7.
Now dropshadow all the layers of your template. I used V & H 0, opacity 70 blur 7.00 and color black.
Now we are going to do the mask so go to the white background layer and paste paper 5 as a new layer. Now go to layers down to save/load mask and find the mask I provided. Use my settings:
Source Luminance, Fit to canvas, invert data checked, show all mask. Hit ok and merge group. Now move your mask down just a little bit so it's not showing so much at the top. See my tag as reference.
Now click on your top layer which should be one of the words. Open the tube you want to use and paste as a new layer resize if needed. Position it so it looks like it's coming out of the center rectangle. Dropshadow your tube with the same settings.
Now open two of the roses from the scrap kit and resize by 50% smartsize. Paste as a new layers and rotate 90 left. position so it looks like your tube has her hand on the roses. On the second rose flip. Dropshadow with same settings.
Open a butterfly from the kit and resize by 50% 2 times. then paste as a new layer and rotate 25 degrees to the left and position to the top of the top circle. Duplicate your butterfly mirror and flip. Dropshadow with same settings.
Resize your tag. Add your proper copyrights license number. Don't forget your taggers mark.
Now add your text. Dropshadow and save as a Jpeg.
Thats it your done. Hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.
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