I wrote this tutorial December 2008, if it resembles any other tutorial it's purely by coincident. I wrote this tutorial using Psp X but it should be able to be done in all versions.
Tube of your choice: I'm using the beautiful artwork of Suzanne Woolcott. You must have a license to use her artwork. You can purchase one here.
The scrapkit I'm using is by the talented Bel Vidotti called Soft Holiday. You can find this beautiful scrap kit here.
You will also need Xenofex 2 filter constellation.
Font of your choice.
Let's Begin:
Open a new canvas 600x600 flood fill white.
Open She61 from the scrap kit. Copy and paste as a new layer. Click in the middle of your frame with your magic wand. Go to selections Modify and expand 5. Copy and paste a paper of your choice. Selections invert then hit delete on your keyboard. Don't deselect. Now copy and paste the tube of your choice and position in the center of your frame once happy with the position hit delete on your keyboard. Select none.
Open She11 from the kit. Resize 50% paste as a new layer and move to the bottom of your frame. Then click on your frame layer in the layer pallet. Grab your magic wand and click outside of your frame. You should have marching ants around the outside part of the frame. Now click on your bow layer in the layer pallet and then grab your eraser and erase all the parts of the bow hanging over the sides of your frame. Now your bow should look like it's attached to the frame. Dropshadow your tube, frame and bow layers with dropshadow of choice.
Now open She46 from the scrap kit. Resize 80% and paste as a new layer on your canvas. Move it to the left side of the frame. Duplicate and then mirror. Dropshadow both vines.
Open She59 from the kit. Copy and paste as a new layer. Move this layer to just above the white background. Now move the doodle to the right side so you can see it on the side of the frame. Duplicate and mirror. Merge down your two doodles so they are one layer. Dropshadow them.
Now resize all your layers by 85%. Apply your copyright.
Now click on your doodle layer and duplicate it 2 times for a total of 3 doodles. close off the 2 copies and click on the original doodle layer. Go to effects, xenofex constellation and use these settings:
Star Size 2.54
Size Variation 13
Edge Star Density 40
Overall Star Density 0
Overdrive 100
Twinkle amount 75
Twinkle Rotation 45
Background fill Keep original image.
Random Seed 1
Click ok then hide the original doodle layer. Open up your second doodle layer apply constellation to it but hit random seed once.
Close off your second doodle layer and open your 3rd doodle layer apply constellation to it but hit random seed again.
Now type out your text.
Time to animate:
Open animation shop. Close off your 3rd doodle layer and open your original doodle layer copy merge and paste as new animation in animation shop.
Back in psp close off your original doodle and open your 2nd doodle layer copy merged and paste after current frame in animation shop.
Back in psp close off your 2nd doodle and open your 3rd doodle layer copy merged and paste after current frame in animation shop.
View your animation and if your happy with it save as a gif. Thats it your done.
I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and I would love to see any results.
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